“Enjoy Yourself” – A Gift of Gratitude

“Enjoy Yourself” - A Gift of Gratitude - Amusement park

Learning to Appreciate Life

Expressing gratitude is important to our well-being. Unless we accept and appreciate what comes to us in life, we will never receive the benefits of contentment and happiness. Authorities on the benefits of gratitude encourage us to consider how recognizing what we have, versus what we think we need and want, can change everything. Continue reading

Experience Valued over Ideology

Perception / Reality - Chiropractor adjusting patient

Boyhood Lessons in Experience

When I was a boy, my parents took me to both medical doctors and chiropractors. One to cure sickness, and the other to optimize health and treat injuries. My family had a balanced view of both professions, in spite of strong prejudices against one or the other profession which existed at the time. In other words, my family valued their personal experience above ideologies.

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